How to leave a review on Buyindie.
Leaving a review really does help the shop that you purchased from. You can leave a review in two ways.
1. Review the vendor/shop.
- Go to the home page/shop front of the vendor you wish to review.
- Scroll down and click on reviews.
- Then click on ‘Write a review’ and click submit to save it.
2. Review a particular product.
- Log in to your account and go to orders on the left hand side of the page.
- Click on the order number for the item you are going to review.
- Under Order details click on the product name.
- Scroll down to reviews and click on the tab.
- Review the product that you purchased and click submit to save it.
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Free from AI. This post and all posts on the Sarah Lou Crafts blog are written by me from my own rambling thoughts and are typed by hand. Thank you for reading.